Static domain

In this article:


    This feature is available in our Webshop Success package and enables you to utilize Content Delivery Networks (also known as "CDNs") for distributing static content (images, CSS and JavaScript etc.) from geographic locations close to the customer, distributing the load that would otherwise be on the default static domain. This makes sense especially if you have a larger shop with many visitors from multiple countries, and want to optimize on the static resources to get faster load times.

    Supported CDNs include Cloudflare and Fastly. The CDN service itself basically distributes copies of the data in question to the physical locations, which are located at geographical nodes around the world. Consult the CDN service for further information about account creation etc.



    To change the static domain used by the shop go to Settings > Languages and domains:

    Click the button "Static domain":

    The field shows the current static domain used by the shop. Change the URL to use a CDN of your choosing:

    Caution: Please be aware that your shop may break if you switch to the wrong domain or if the expected resources are not available on the selected domain.