Collections and Entities
In this article:
What is a collection or entity?
A collection or entity is used to retrieve data from a controller, for example a blog-post from a blog-controller. A collection provides you with one or more entities, that is a range of data.
To retrieve blog-posts from a blog-controller, a collection is used, as shown below.
{* Get blog post list *}
{collection assign=items controller=$controller pageSize=$pageSize}
It is also possible to call an entity directly to retrieve e.g. one blog post, as shown below.
{* Get blog item *}
{entity controller=$controller assign=item}
If you want to read about a controller, you can use the code below(opens in a pop-up window).
{help doc=blogController}
Can I change the data?
A collection and an entity is initializered automatically with a range of standard parameters. These can be overwritten, if needed. For example for blog:
- id - an id for a blog-post
- pageId - an id for the for the blog-post
- languageIso - ISO language code
- categoryId - an id for the blog-category
- year - the year the blog-post was published
- month - the month the blog-post was published
- search - search for the blog-post
- hasPublicering - whether publishing should be taken into account
- pageSize - number of blog-posts
Note on encoding and special characters in collections
If you use special characters like æøå etc., you can either:
- Use html-entities:
- Save the file as ISO-8859-1:
- Save the file as UTF-8:
How do I retrieve data?
Once a collection is set, it is possible to retrieve data, as shown below.
{*** Loop through blog articles ***}
{foreach $items->getData() as $item}
Titel: {$item->Title}
It is also possible to check the size of the array, as shown below:
{*** Calculate the actual size of the collection ***}
{$collectionSize = $items->getActualSize()}
{if $collectionSize gt 0}
There is data.
There is no data.
Finally, you can print all the data in the array, as shown below:
It is then possible to print and manipulate data. This is elaborated on under the tab data.